My Photos and other pics

Well, this is bound to be very empty unless/until I get myself a digital camera or at least a scanner... meanwhile, enjoy what I`ve got at the moment. :)

These are cunningly edited photos made at a party at a friend`s place... The people you can see there are two of my friends: Irene (a.k.a. Leila) and Olga (a.k.a. Robbie). And just look what you can do with PaintBrush, a bit of spare time and a twisted imagination...

Click the image to enlarge. If you feel like it, of course! :)

Update Nov. 2002: Now look what I can do with some PhotoShop! And this time, I`ve included my own image in my experiments!

Update Dec. 2004: A new album! I have got a scanner now, so you can enjoy some photos of my cat!

Update summer 2005: Another new album! View the scans of the pictures I took during my trip to the United Kingdom that I made this June with my friend Olga (not Robbie but May).

Update summer 2007: I suppose you have to move with the times... I have got a digicam now, and here's how I employed it this July, on my second visit to London.
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