1. "Yes, we could go somewhere together today"
I hear those wonderful words that you say
And they make me perfectly glad
And then you add "But", and my joy disappears
Just one little word, but I know what it means
And the meaning is driving me mad

Those three cruel letters - B, U, and T
They really can change light to darkness for me
They bring me down, and though I could fly
I come tumbling down from the sky

2."Mama says I must stay at home today"
I hear those discouraging words that you say
And they make me dreadfully sad
But then you add "But", and my sadness is gone
Just one little word, but it changes the whole
And I don't think the change is too bad.

Those beautiful letters - B, U and T
They really can change darkness to light for me
They cheer me up, and they make me fly
And I walk with my head in the sky

3. Funny how words make you happy or blue
Making things seem worse or better for you
Making the world seem wretched or fair -
Empty vibrations of everyday air...

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