A week in the UK
25 June - 2 July 2005

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Another day tour: Leeds Castle - Dover - Canterbury. Leeds Castle is a very handsome house in Kent, with a beautiful garden.

Canterbury. Like Chaucer's pilgrims, we came to this town with its wonderful cathedral and many old, old houses.

The cathedral gatehouse...

...and the cathedral itself. It's huge, and very interesting inside.

Here's an old house for you.

And what about this? Established 1503!

We also made an excursion to Oxford, and walked around Christ Church College.

It has fan-vaulting...

... and an impressive refectory (yes, yes, the Great Hall at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films, yes), which was unfortunately not accessible due to a function being held there, so I had to snap it through a glass pane in the door.

Another Oxford landmark - St. Mary's Church.

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