A week in the UK
25 June - 2 July 2005

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They seem to be really keen on redevelopment in London. Tate Modern here is a former power-station.

And Butler's Wharf houses expensive flats. Forget the grimy lives of the dockers!

We took a day tour to Salisbury, Stonehenge and Bath. This is Salisbury, with its famous cathedral. William Golding, the writer, lived and worked in Salisbury, and apparently his novel, The Spire, was written with this very spire in mind.

Salisbury Cathedral also boasts a lovely chapterhouse, its roof built like an umbrella supported by this single column.

Stonehenge! It's rather small, in fact.

And here is the wonderful Georgian town of Bath. This is the single piece of Middle Ages there: Bath Abbey. Just look at those ladders for angels! I have never seen anything like this!

The classical bit of Bath: the Roman Baths and the Assembly Rooms.

The Roman baths inside. The water is green, but very clear, in fact. Goes to drink (not out of this pool, of course!).

And another view.

The bridge. It's built in the eighteenth century, as far as I understand, but along the mediaeval lines of having a roof above and two rows of shops on each side. The road, wide enough for our coach to have passed through, runs between them.

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